Otago Model
Engineering society
The OMES was established in 1936 for people to get together to enjoy model engineering, mainly building and running variety of steam, diesel and electric locomotives (Engineering Group) model boats, scale railways, tethered cars and the club has just established a Technology and Makers group for members with interest in electronics 3D printing and Cad design along with an extension group that are interested in 1/14 scale contraction and transport models.
Like to join us
Any time is a great time to start on a new hobby. Why not join OMES?? Come along to the and see what we do at the club, our members are only to happy answer your question and show you around
See our Face Book Page or our Website for open days.

A lap of our track
new one is being made
Conrod Newsletters
Also use this link to view all past issues back to June 2001 on Google Drive (no passwords needed). They are now all arranged in year groupings.