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Multi gauge steam and electric locomotives

Model Boating on the pond

Model Trains, both HO/OO and N Scale Permanent Layouts

Racing Cars, around the circular track (limited running)

  • Library, a source of knowledge for modeling or engineering projects
  • Club Workshop with lathes, drills and hand tools etc.
  • All the group facilities, pond, railway track, scale railway layouts etc. are open to use by members at any time

Like to join OMES??

It is a great time to start on a new hobby. Why not join OMES?? Come along to the and see what we do in the club and ask our members questions about our hobby (check calendar for next running day).

All club members are happy to help you get started, or help with any problems you might have with your models

Phone the president or come to our next running day and make yourself known to the members there