The Trans-Tasman battle for our trophies (see below). Winning this years Transtasman Tethered Car Trophy was Jon Winton from Dunedin with a perfect nominated speed of 132.40kph (82.27mph).
The Tethered Car Group operates the tethered car track (circular enclosure) at the club. The members of this group will be more than happy to talk about their own cars and projects (tethered car project currently underway) and help other new or perspective members.
This group unfortunately has limited running (usually during Festival Week, see Home Page) members of this group will also happily talk to the public when they can. This group is unique with it being one of the very few tethered car racing tracks left in New Zealand and Australia.
As most members and long time followers of the club are aware there has been something of a resurgence of interest in this section of our club, and of course the influence of our Australian friends coming to visit has added further interest amongst members and the public.
Tethered Car Group Facilities
- Tethered Car Racing Track (circular enclosure), with a safety barrier for both public and operators.
- Tools etc. for racing tethered cars
- Club Workshop, (lathes, drills, hand tools etc.)
New Track?
The club has been looking at the surface and had a number of discussions what could be done to improve it. The broad idea is to change the current circuit to the international standard size of track (change from imperial to metric or a combination of both). This would bring the track in slightly closer to the centre, with the current running surface being kept as a walkway (for safety) around the outside of the track. This would require a whole new section of concrete to be laid to run the cars on, with methods used to prevent cracking etc. This would have to be laid to a very high standard for the probable increase in speeds on the new track from higher grade cars. The centre concrete would also be removed and grassed, with the small immediate barrier fence being bought into the new outer edge of the racing surface. There was also mention of placing a pipe underground during these alterations to allow for electronic timing and this would also bring the track into line as a top class international circuit, hopefully attracting more overseas interest, including more top Australian cars and possibly some from Europe.
Tethered Car Plans Available
Any members (including from other clubs in NZ or overseas) who are interested in tethered cars and would like to construct one and don’t know where to start. If you would like plans of our group project cars that are currently being built please get in contact with Mel Kennedy (contact details at bottom of page) and we will see what we can do for you.